It feels strange to say it, but it’s been almost three months now since I packed up my books and moved to my new apartment (naturally right smack in the…
I’m not accustomed to being greeted with nice weather at this point in the summer, but so far August has been cool and breezy and I really hope it stays…
I am all out of practice blogging. It’s like any other muscle: if you don’t use it, you lose it. On the bright side, I’m getting back into the blogging…
I didn’t choose the bookish life………lol idk who I think I’m kidding of course I did 😀 I like big books and I cannot lie. I also like procrastinating, which…
Time is strange lately. I know it’s only been a week since my last post and I update my 2021 TBR page regularly, but it seems like it’s been forever…
It has now been five months to the day since quarantine began. That really sneaked up on me, just like the two-month mark did. (Also apparently I thought May was…
Holy shit that month was long. On the other hand, now we know what happens when I have a month-long involuntary vacation: I go crazy and read about four books…
I realized today that it’s been two months to the day since my quarantine began. That would explain why I no longer know what year it is. I’ve been watching…
Well, here we are. It’s been 27 days since the office shut down, 21 days since my last post, 12 days since Maryland was ordered to shelter in place, and…
Welcome to adulthood. You get excited now when you use your day off to buy a new keyboard and go to the Korean market. That keyboard was not cheap!!! Unfortunately…