Happy AAPI Heritage Month. I am much more prepared than I was last year, though in fairness I do have to admit that I will only be posting two reviews…
What a ride. “Wild” is the wrong word when every Shady Hollow book has been so predictable, but they’re cozy and they’re fun, and I really can’t complain. I love…
And the kitty mom will say, “It’s that ‘orrible cat!” And also, the back of my right hand looks even worse than the back of my left hand because I…
Happy March. Chocolate now comes in Angry, and Wegmans sells individually wrapped microwaveable potatoes called Micro Potat-oh!s. Both of these things obviously had to be documented, because they are hilarious….
Happy end-of-blogging-hiatus. On today’s episode of Starbucks Name Roulette, my name is now Karelen. How fucking hard is this? I swear I’m gonna start introducing myself as Fred. The bright…
Opium and Absinthe Lydia Kang You’re off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be spoilers (but fewer than usual because this is a mystery, and I wouldn’t do…
Holy shit that month was long. On the other hand, now we know what happens when I have a month-long involuntary vacation: I go crazy and read about four books…
The Part About the Dragon Was (Mostly) True Sean Gibson NOTE: I read an advance reader copy. The book will be published December 15, 2020. I’ll admit I had my…