I realized today that it’s been two months to the day since my quarantine began. That would explain why I no longer know what year it is. I’ve been watching…
current reads
It seems like I’m always in the middle of a crisis. Yesterday the crisis happened to be my foreign language dictionaries, which were blocking my document organizer for a while…
BOOM BABY it’s March and I’m currently at 30/60 books!!! Soooooo to be totally honest 25 of those are mangas because I spent most of February blitzing through Soul Eater, which…
If anyone is keeping track, I now have a bookshelf named tsundoku. This is specifically for books that I’ve either bought or received but haven’t read. In the spirit of…
I am a food blog junkie. I surf food blogs during my lunch break and have a whole board dedicated to recipes I’ll probably never try. If there were a…
I’ve been chugging through this brick for the last couple of months and it’s very interesting but man there sure is a lot of it x____x Goodreads says I’m 70%…