This seems to be the week of spontaneous posts, because I wasn’t planning this post any more than I was the pancake book tag post but then it occurred to…
current reads
Warning: Spoilers nigh. You guys. I hate reactions, but this is the world we live in right now. As to why I hate reactions, here’s a quick case study: About…
IT’S FINALLY SEPTEMBER thank gods I don’t think I could’ve taken another day of August. The weather has been lovely and cool during the last few days and I’m hopeful…
It has now been five months to the day since quarantine began. That really sneaked up on me, just like the two-month mark did. (Also apparently I thought May was…
Holy shit that month was long. On the other hand, now we know what happens when I have a month-long involuntary vacation: I go crazy and read about four books…
Time for another tag! I’ve been tagged by Lori from Food for Thought, which is great because I love these things. (Also, can we make Book Tag Tuesday a thing?)…
WARNING: Spoilers. This, apparently, is what happens when I have whole weeks off of work: I read all day and post without rhyme or reason. I honestly was going to…
I’ve got the worst fucking impulse control. The library book drops and the Barnes and Nobles reopened this week, which means I got rid of a stack of books and…
Happy June. It’s turning into a Maryland summer, which means it’s humid and hotter than hell, but I’m currently at 45/60 books, so I guess that’s something. I’m not in…
I have got to learn to bake scones. Scones seem to be a predominant theme in cozy mysteries, or at least in the ones I’ve been reading over the last…