I didn’t choose the bookish life………lol idk who I think I’m kidding of course I did 😀 I like big books and I cannot lie. I also like procrastinating, which…
current reads
Time is strange lately. I know it’s only been a week since my last post and I update my 2021 TBR page regularly, but it seems like it’s been forever…
Rejoice, rejoice: my motivation is back!!! (Of course, having said that, I also feel obligated to add that it’s been in hiding for the last three days, but I read…
WHY HELLO THERE 😀 I know it’s a little bit later than I usually do these things but my reading habits have been T E R R I B L…
Well that was embarrassing. I hit the reading slumps HARD this month for one reason or another and ended up reading less than I did even in August, though it…
It’s strange how every month seems very short while also being very, very long. Case in point: I’d completely forgotten I finished The Priory of the Orange Tree in October. I…
Time for another reading update! I was going to roll this week’s giant book unhaul into this post but then it gained sentience as these things normally do and I…
Apparently I like to either overpredict and underdeliver or underpredict and almost deliver. In August I read only four of the books on my TBR; in September I read all…
Warning: Spoilers nigh. Great gods below, where do I start? Well, to begin with, I’ve just had major Legend of Korra flashbacks because I am now three-quarters of the way through The…
Warning: Spoilers nigh. I have a confession to make. Yesterday I came very close to telling Lori I wanted to DNF The Priory of the Orange Tree, but now I’m…