Happy AAPI Heritage Month. I am much more prepared than I was last year, though in fairness I do have to admit that I will only be posting two reviews…
Reading Summaries
And the kitty mom will say, “It’s that ‘orrible cat!” And also, the back of my right hand looks even worse than the back of my left hand because I…
Happy March. Chocolate now comes in Angry, and Wegmans sells individually wrapped microwaveable potatoes called Micro Potat-oh!s. Both of these things obviously had to be documented, because they are hilarious….
Happy end-of-blogging-hiatus. On today’s episode of Starbucks Name Roulette, my name is now Karelen. How fucking hard is this? I swear I’m gonna start introducing myself as Fred. The bright…
Happy new year to everyone except this cat, who doesn’t contribute to the household in any way but still feels entitled to claw up my ear every time I hit…
I don’t have a reading update. November sucked like a black hole in more ways than one and I have been in a major reading slump for the last four…
Happy belated Halloween! I finally remembered to grab my witchy hat from my parents’ house. (It happened to be tangled up in the ribbons from my Williamsburg hat, so that…
I never have as many hours in a day as I think I do. I have been on vacation since Friday, returning to work tomorrow: one of my high school…
This is the best time of the year. I am a day late and sunburned and tired af and I am really hoping for a peaceful month (unlikely for reasons…
This has been such an irritating month. If I had to pick, I think July and August might be my least favorite months in general. The best thing to come…