I don’t have a reading update. November sucked like a black hole in more ways than one and I have been in a major reading slump for the last four…
Life Updates
I KNOW. Last month I said I was definitely never ever never getting a cat. I’m SOOOoooOOO changeable. (Or, as one of my friends put it, Archie was a gateway…
It’s been a while since I’ve published twice in one day, but I just really did not have a timely slot on my publication schedule for this post, so it’s…
I never have as many hours in a day as I think I do. I have been on vacation since Friday, returning to work tomorrow: one of my high school…
This is the best time of the year. I am a day late and sunburned and tired af and I am really hoping for a peaceful month (unlikely for reasons…
Yarrrrrr, the spring madness be upon me. Last week I took advantage of the three-day holiday weekend to clean my entire apartment, and it was glorious for, like, the five…
I’m trying a couple of new things with this post. First of all, this is the first official post in my plot to start publishing twice a week, brought to…
Happy AAPI Heritage Month! As usual, I completely forgot about it because I am a bad Asian. 100% NOT me rearranging my publication schedule at the last minute to publish…
Happy spring! I just realized I haven’t talked about Animal Crossing for a hot second, so here’s me and a friend having coffee in my museum cafĂ©. (Also, my island…
Last Saturday was great. The sun wasn’t exactly shining, but it did snow, which was pretty neat because we’re at the point in this winter where I was starting to…